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This service is implements convenient helpers for testing a given user's authorization.


mayAccess( user, resources, checkAll )

Signature: mayAccess( user, resources, checkAll = false ): Promise<boolean>

Tests if selected user is granted access to one or all named resources and provides a promise for the result.

Argument user is passed to AuthManager.asUser() method to get the user's record including its roles' names. Because of that, parameter user may be a user's name used to fetch the according user's model item or that fetched item itself.

Argument resources is

  • a string naming a single resource or
  • an array of such resource names.

The method returns a promise resolved with true if the given user is granted access

  • on at least one of the named resources (if checkAll is falsy or omitted) or
  • on all named resources (if checkAll is truthy).

Otherwise the promise is resolved with false.

Access is tested using current tree of authorization rules.